Blue stage lights...I like the effect on this photo....and the profile.....
So glad I was able to get this tongue shot....Yessss!!!!   LOL
Acknowledging all the fans...even the ones all the way up top....there were like 8 or 9 levels from the floor to the upper's an amazing stadium....
All the artists were back on stage with King George for the 3-song encore....our group was incredibly lucky that, at the end, the stage stopped in front of our section...after George sang his last song..."The Cowboy Rides Away" ....he walked the stage acknowledging the fans, smiling....bowing to us and saying lucky I captured this moment when he looked my way and smiled....right afterwards, he walked right in front of me waved goodbye and bowed....(see two photos below)....I'll always take this memory with me....thanks George!!!